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Join Author Amy Blackthorn for a Full Day of Classes!

Egregore and the Internet: To "Keep Silent" or Grow Your Spells

With the advent of social media, dedicated practitioners must weigh the pros and cons of discussing magical workings and protecting the integrity of the work.  Together we will discuss deeper meanings of the Witches' Pyramid and how the platforms change the way we view magical workings, as well as whether having eyes on is a benefit or a hindrance to deeper magical workings.

This class is offered on Sunday, September 22, 2024 (also the Fall Equinox), from 10.00am-12.00pm.  Non-refundable tuition is $50.00.  All of Amy's books will be available for purchase during the class.  Please do not bring in books from another source for signing by the author.

Please call the store - 973.838.6564 - to reserve your spot for Amy's Egregore workshop with your credit or debit card.  You will be charged for the full class tuition at registration, not the day of the class. 

Sacred Plant Magic
In this workshop with the author of Blackthorn's Botanical Magic, we will discuss our ability to create relationships with the botanical spirits in our lives, starting in the kitchen, and working our way out to extinct flora.  How can we extend our reach beyond the initiation of the plants to overcome trauma, and connect with ourselves and our botanic predecessors.

This class is offered on Sunday, September 22, 2024 (also the Fall Equinox), from 2.00pm-4.00pm.  Non-refundable tuition is $50.00. Amy's books will be available for purchase during the class.  Please do not bring in books from another source for signing by the author.

Please call the store - 973.838.6564 - to reserve your spot for Amy's Sacred Plant Magic workshop with your credit or debit card.  You will be charged for the full class tuition at registration, not the day of the class.

Amy Blackthorn is the award-winning author of the best-sellers Blackthorn's Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke, Blackthorn's Botanical Brews, Blackthorn's Protection Magic, and Blackthorn's Botanical Wellness.  She has been described as an "arcane horticulturist" for her lifelong work with magical plants and teaching.  She incorporates her experiences in British Traditional Witchcraft with her horticulture studies.  She has a certification in aromatherapy and is ordained through the Order of the Golden Gryphon.  Amy's company, Blackthorns Botanicals, creates tea based on magical associations.  She has appeared on HuffPoLife, Netflix's Top Ten Secrets and Mysteries in an episode about Supernatural Abilities and the AP Newswire.  Amy lives in Delaware. You can view Amy's tea shop at BlackthornsBotanicals.com.

Pre-registration for all classes is mandatory.  Classes can be paid for with Pay Pal, cash, Money Order, check (with proper ID), credit, or debit card by calling the store at 973.838.6564.  Payment in-full is expected at time of registration.  Your credit/debit card will be charged at time of registration.  Please read complete guidelines here.

Copyright 1997-2024 by SoulJourney.  All rights reserved.  All brand names and product names used on this website are trademarks or trade names of their respective holders.  Revised September 11, 2024.